Wednesday, April 30, 2008


"....Dan susah nak ada org yg care pasal Dan. Semua buat hal sendiri hidup Dan da mcm tak bererti...Bile di rumah Dan mcm org gaji tapi tkda gaji. Dan sakit tkda org peduli. thkz kakak 4 care about me...Dan syg kakak. Alangka gembire nye jike ada org care pasal Dan...Im vry happy..

Kakak, Dan hanye nk seseorg untk tahu perasaan Dan. Kdang2 Dan rasa nk lari rumah...Tetapi Dan fikir kalau Dan lari rumah Dan nk duduk ane kn..Dari itu Dan membuat keputusan untk dduk umah dan bersaba aje...Sory if Dan banyak benda untk kasi kakak tau. Dan tk tau dgn sape nak luah kn perasaan.. Sory"

This is the exact text that one of my youths smsed me just now (name has been changed to protect his identity.)

I was so touched by the sms. I felt very very sad. It never failed to touch my heart when a teenager came up to me and share his/her inner feelings. Although the text message above was not shared in a meet-up, face-to-face session, I could not help but feel that it takes a lot of courage for a 16-yr-old boy to express his feelings as such, even through text messaging.

~to cross the line might be the way across~

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