Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Career Talk

Topic: Should married women go to work?

Venue: A coffe stall @ Bukit Batok (trust me, coffee shop is our idea of an ideal meeting place..it keeps the idea juices flowing hehe:p sometimes, we do splurge on a slightly expensive restaurant :p)

Topic presented was nothing new, but I can definitely relate to it as it is an issue that I'll be facing in the near future.

Being quite open about things, and having a wife who is working; it is certainly surprising that Pak Usop feels that with regards to the issue, it is still best to go back to the basic, i.e wanita sebagai seorang surirumah yang bertanggungjawab menjaga hal ehwal suami dan anak2 ;)

On the same note, given the context of Singapore's lifestyle today, it is hard for a family to survive comfortably if there is only a sole breadwinner, unless your husband is earning $10k/mth lah. hehe;) (kalau gitu, aku pon taknak kerja...jadi tai-tai kat rumah :p)

Personally, I will DEFINITELY want to work. Can't imagine staying at home all day long..tak reti nak buat apa. However, I'm sure the dilemma will arise when a child comes into the picture. A mother's natural instinct will be to stay with the child and not leaving him/her for a single second. And also whether it is ever possible for a woman to have the best of both worlds; both marriage and career life.

Pak Usop then highlighted on the current trend of house-husbands which certainly go against my personal values that no matter what, a man will always need to work (unless he's critically ill, which can't be helped).

Had a discussion with the significant other about this matter last week. It is more towards highlighting the issue on our crazy working hours. He had just started a 12-hr shift work schedule and although I'm in the office-hr workshift, I never clocked in less than 12 hours daily :p It is difficult for us to find a time which both of us are free. If this continues after we are married, there'll be times when we won't meet each other for 3 straight days!

Absence makes the heart grows fonder, I hope! ;)

Oh, by the way...I'm LOVING my job right now...and everything/everyone else in my life... ;)

Recently awarded the parchment for my Post-Grad Diploma (Counselling) from Edith Cowan University and also appeared on TV for a Suria programme, PG (Perihal Generasi) ;)

There'll be e review in my vocation at work...hoping for a pay rise...heheh;) Added responsibilities are also expected, though! :p

Meanwhile, the significant other is ENJOYING himself @ Redang now....jealous nye!!

Pic taken from his Samsung E450... ;)

~to cross the line might be the way across~

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