Monday, May 26, 2008

Trip to Pengasih

Went to PENGASIH for a training on 19th May - 22nd May (again!) but this time around, the Gen-Y Youths tagged along ;)

PENGASIH is located in KL and it is an organization which was set up to run programmes to help ex-drug addicts holistically, as it targets 4 key areas with regards to personal development: intellectual, behavioural, emotional and spiritual.

The organization was formed in 1992 and since then it has treated a number of addicts using the Therapeutic Community (TC) approach in a residential setting called RUMAH PENGASIH. This approach firmly believes that group can foster growth and holds strongly to the principle of 'man helping man to help himself'. Very deep, indeed.

RUMAH PENGASIH was fully run by ex-drug addicts; from the security personnel up to its President. It was very inspirational to see how these people manage to overcome their addiction and tuned over a new leaf. Change was easier said than done. I remembered one of the staff in RUMAH PENGASIH, who was affectionally known as Jack the Ripper (hehe!), shared that "Drug Addicts are not BAD people wanting to be GOOD people; but SICK people wanting to be CURED" and that recovery from drug addiction may take a lifetime. Only when you are dead, can you finally declare yourself as 'clean and sober'.

Being in RUMAH PENGASIH for 4days was certainly an eye-opener. The residents were of different age group, the youngest being 15 and the oldest being 60 years old. But TC preaches respect and equality; therefore the age differences was not much of a problem. Most of the residents were there voluntarily or sent by their family members to receive treatment and rehabilitation.

The treatment may seem almost regimental at first. The residents have to go through repeated daily rituals and were ranked in hierarchical order. It's meant to instill discipline and sense of responsibility, which they are very much lack in during their addiction days.

Great emphasis was also given to being honest and aware of the surroundings. For example, in one of the daily rituals called Morning Meeting, residents are encouraged to report on things that were left unattended; even the littlest things like cigarette butts and rubber bands. Whoever left it lying around are required to be honest and admit his fault. The person who reported will then face the 'culprit' and gives feedback on his careless attitude.

Non-addicts may find this very unnecessary. However, in the quest of behaviour modification, drug addicts need to be treated this way as they do not respond to 'soft' approaches. Strict discipline, blended with sincere love, care and concern is the best way.

It was very heartwarming to see that although the resident may shout at each other during the Encounter Sessions, they often 'patch up' at the end of the session. When they confronted each other on their mistakes, they seem truly sincere and really want to help fellow residents change for the better.

No amount of words typed here could capture the true feelings that I have for the residents of RUMAH PENGASIH. I realize that their journey towards recovery was not easy. They were many 'relapse' cases, even after more than 5 years of being drug-free and even after being appointed as STAFF of RUMAH PENGASIH. Their will-power and strength are truly admirable.


~to cross the line might be the way across~

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